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Saturday, September 3, 2016

You Can not be as Sparrow in the Life

This title may come a little strange for you. You are right. I want to explain What I mean;

The Taste of Age and Human

In our times, there are somethings that people are constantly injected. It is said like that "Enjoy life", "Pursuit to tastes", "you are a human as you consumed" words.Glittering life that we watch in movies and TV series also supports to them. The understanding of our time is that when you eat delicious food, make luxury spending and sit in ostentatious places you are so civilized people and you get so superior.

However, People should know that, he can not access to a Sparrow in taking flavor from life. The sparrow has no yesterday and tomorrow. Therefore, it is not sad with yesterday's sorrow nor it lives with fear of tomorrow. In this way, it takes flavor of meal exactly which is its front.

But, A human is not like this. In front of him is even delicious meals yesterday's unfortunate events attached to his mind. He worries about whether he can find these delicious meals tomorrow or not. He thinks like that "How can I protect my wealth" His competitors come into his mind in trade. While a morsel in his mouth, he gets a news of a death or sickness from his relatives. That delicious morsel seem like a poison in his throat. He enters into a serious struggle with life for keeping of standard of his life. Passed years and he looked back, lifetime has been consumed. The only one remaining is "wasted life".

You must be A Turtledove of The Hereafter

In fact, Human being was created for swimming in ocean of Hereafter not drowning in drop of The World. The human has been given a lot of capabilities more than animals. All these things can not be given that he only eats and drinks and lays down on his ears. These things are being already done by other assets.

Though, A Human rises when serve to God, he will be a good person as have moral values. And The God complies with him.

Happy is the person who is flying the skies of Hereafter.

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