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Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Reading But What?

Valuable Readers,

Reading is a very important activity in humans life. The quality of the reading depends on who and what to read. If you are reading to learn a profession, your reading is up to the value of that profession. If perhaps you are reading to playing a game, your reading is up to value of that game. Of course these are also important things. But, if you have a limited life, you have to focus the most essential topics. If I dedicate my life to read only the World, this means that I trapped the World. However, the human is not only limited to this world. He has the eternal life after this world. For that reason, he should do most important readings with this endless life.

We live up to at most 100 years in this world. But, in the afterlife, we will live forever. So, we should need to make a preparation according to that life. Along with preparing of list comes knowledge of God. If the people reads to know of God, He would have made the most treasured things in his life. Because, while the World as well as its contents are together with him at most 100 years, God will be with him forever. Consequently, we should read the name of God while we are reading a book or reading the Universe. So, we have learned to know him better using learned information, to love more, to live as he wants and we will be also eternally happy in the afterlife.

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