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Amacım, hayata farklı açılardan bakarak hayati şeyleri yakalayabilmek ve hayatımızdaki 5 maddelere dikkat çekmek

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Life and Patience

Lets give good tidings for Patients

As you recall, I have mentioned about Olympic games in a my letter in before. At that letter, I have explained that may be the players have some difficulties in the Stadium but at the end of the this difficulty they can earn medallion. At this letter, I think that I have to explain this widely because of importance of topic.

Everything matured with patience

Lets think about trees; They are growing from small seeds to giant sizes in decades. You must wait for months for ripening of fruits. Growth and development of a baby takes years. Our world has become this nature in million years. A spider spins and wait with patience in hours and at the end a fly falls into its net.

The World is very short for pursuing

Lets think about our life; 15 years passes in the our babyhood and childhood. One third of our lives passes at asleep. Other one third passes at working. Some of our lives passes at journeys and at sickness. At the remain of your life is barely twenty years for saturation from our life. The World has not been created for this purpose. It has been created for preparation to the Other World. Hence, Here are allowed to taste but it is not allowed for saturation.

If a human can look to the World in this way, he/she can overcome all calamities with patience easily. He thinks that this calamity has been given to me for my ripening from the God and also he thinks that period of calamities are very short according to the non calamity periods. So, there is no need to complain about calamities. If we have a patience in accordingly, our God will give beauties in Other World. 

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