Born and Life
Reborn to Life
Everyone is born once in life. Of course, we could not born again to life but if we can do this we can read life like that;
Read Life on behalf of Him
For example, we all love roses with their gorgeous fragrance and colorfulness. But, may be we never think that these smelling and colorfulness are coming from where? From soil, water, sun or rose itself? None of these. Because, none of these things have not any power or mind to generate these beauties. If who knows and sees everything and omnipotent, it may have given these beauties. That is God.
As second example, when rainy is rained we should think like that, How rainy knows where it rains? It rains on time and according to our needs. Mindless and senseless clouds, how to know it? Of course, the God knows all these things.
As third example, when you are sick, you should think that you are very powerless. Of course, you should go to the doctor but also you should beg to God for healing. Because, healing is with God.
As last example, when you remain without property, you should think that he is the owner of everything. Due to the wisdom, he takes back his property from you at anytime. At this situation when you have patience and have not complain you pass the life exam and you hope more beautiful life in Paradise forever.
An idyllic life in your hands
When the human read life on behalf of Him, life turns to Heaven. People thinks that there is a wisdom of each event. Thus, he/she always happy and peaceful.
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