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Amacım, hayata farklı açılardan bakarak hayati şeyleri yakalayabilmek ve hayatımızdaki 5 maddelere dikkat çekmek

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Human Life Is Similar To The Seasons

Yes, the human life is similar to the seasons. The spring, summer, autumn and winter. Well,how?

The Spring

The babyhood and childhood of the human life is similar to the spring. Everything is new and fresh in the spring. The plants are trees become to green. The nature is more cheerful in the spring as in the babyhood and childhood. The heat of the Sun does not bother people, everything is proper for human in the spring. If you ask a question to people such that Which period do you want to go most in your life? Perhaps, most of them, they will answer as "childhood". Because, at the childhood, everything is pure, nature and vivacious as spring.

The Summer

The youth of the human life is similar to the summer. The Sun is most powerful in this season. Its' heat and light is more than other seasons just as youth. At youth, the human body is peak of the power. But, When you take Sun's heat as redundant you get sunstroke this is also correct for young people. If it does not control the power of the young people they may harm to society.

The Autumn

The midlife of the human life is similar to the autumn. At the autumn, trees began to lose their leaves and turned to yellow as well as after age of 50's. After age of 50, the human body is not powerful as young body. The body is not as agile as before. Ideals are almost completed after 50's ages. At the autumn, how plants are animals make preparation for winter as precisely, midlife as a preparation for old age of human life.

And The Winter

The old age of the human life is similar to the winter. At the winter, Trees do not have their leaves no longer and everywhere was covered with deep silence. Everywhere is very cold and white color. As similar to the winter, at old ages, the human body is very weak against sickness. The waist was belted. The eyes were not well as before as well as ears. Nothing is like as before.

So Then?

At first glance, autumn and winter seasons of the human life seem to be boring. But, if we can think deeply, we can see some beauties at these seasons (for midlife and old ages). For example, at these ages, The human has more experience than other people. So, the other people apply to their expertise. They are notable for people around of them. Mostly, They have grand kids and there is another pleasure of loving grandchildren.

In my opinion, the most important thing is that all seasons of the life should live well and beauty why they are given to us.

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