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Amacım, hayata farklı açılardan bakarak hayati şeyleri yakalayabilmek ve hayatımızdaki 5 maddelere dikkat çekmek

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Life And Gift

At modern times, some people see life as distressed and unlivable, actually life is a gift from the God. Human is very valuable creature who was donated with eternity. For understanding this expression easily, we can think deeply like that;

The World is a Starting Point to Eternal Life

The World may have some difficulties and stresses for human. These may seem like indecipherable to humans. But, none of them is not big for having stressful of life. Because, our life is just a drop when compared with the Other World. Lets think about our life; we live maximum 70 or 80 years. The Other World is not billion or trillion of years contrarily these numbers have not even any importance beside eternity. 

Lets give an example for understanding eternity. Think a bird and lets fill that vast universe with wheat. Let do bird eat only one wheat in a billion years. At the end of the billion and billion and ...... years, the all wheat end but not missing anything from eternity. Eternity is such a enormous big according to the World. This World is like a drop and the Other World is like an Ocean (When compared their life duration). Someday this drop will emerge to ocean.Then, while there is an ocean in front of us no need to sorry for only a drop. 

This World is a drop the Other World is an Ocean

When I have a difficulty in the life I think like that, ultimately this difficulty is happening in the World which consists of a drop, then do not be worry because in the future an ocean is waiting for you.

If we can regulate our lives according to this understanding,even though our problems are too big and complex, none of them will be important for us.

Wishing you a happy and peaceful life...

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