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Amacım, hayata farklı açılardan bakarak hayati şeyleri yakalayabilmek ve hayatımızdaki 5 maddelere dikkat çekmek

Friday, October 14, 2016

Barriers May Be Opportunities

In historic times, a king put an enormous rock on the road which is leading to the palace and then he has taken a sit on the window. He was hanging around eagerly what things to see.

In the country, from morning hours until noon, the richest merchants, the most effective caravan holders and palace officers arrived one by one. They wandered around the rock and entered the palace. Many of them criticized the King loudly. The King was taxing very much from his community but he could not clean the roads.

These golds belong to....

At the end, a peasant came up. He was bringing fruits and vegetables for the palace.He left the basket on the ground. He wrapped up the rock wit both hands and he started out to push with all his power. At the end, he sweated blood but, he pulled the rock to the side of the road. He will take his basket from the ground yet, he saw a pouch in the former place of the rock. He opened the pouch and saw golds. And there was also a note from the King. King said that "These golds belong to someone who pulled rock from the road"

The peasant had given a good lesson. That is "Every obstacle is an opportunity to improve our living conditions" 

Thursday, October 13, 2016

The Commitment For Success In The Life

Most of us want to be successful in the life. Success is the meaning of career, getting a lot of money and also to be champion of a race for some people. However, there is unchanging rule for the acquisition of all this success. That is certainly "the sense of dedication"

We may start with a number of negative things in the life. We may be the child of the poor family, we may stay in the suburbs or we may be disabled person. "Come hell or high water", if you have sense of dedication you can accomplish everything.

Edison Devoted ....

Edison devoted his life to find burning up bulb, so finally, he could be found the light bulb. You may have heard of numerous others who are successful in catching one of Africa's territory or grow in a poor family.There are some disabled people who success some works that can not be done by normal people.

I watched on TV the other day. A blind man was repairing harvester and there was no person doing the job much better than him. In devotion, human brain focuses question of "How can I success?" not the question of "What should I do?" So, the destiny starts to move for person and finally the doors of success open up for that person.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

5 Things You Should Need To Teach Your Children

Dear readers,

Today, I wish to give you an important topic that is educating our children. May be we are not able to protect our children from all the difficulties and evils of World but we can prepare an effective way against them.

Right here are the 5 top things you should train your children:

1Making mistakes is natural

Everybody makes mistakes, this is a crucial part of learning and growing. Creating an open debate regarding their mistakes prevents stress and guilt. Share with them mistakes that you have made and your learning from these mistakes. 

2. Do not judge people in your environment

Instead of judging, to develop an open-minded curiosity about one's experience supports the development of empathy and compassion for both yourself and others. Help your children to expand their thinking about others and release the rigid thinking.

3. Your emotions are important

When you think your emotions are fool, wrong or shameful, this is a reason of stress. If your children tries to hide their real feelings, problems get started to accumulate. Become familiar with your kids have the opportunity to share their emotions and it is very important to confirm them. This kind of experience will increase their feelings of self-worth.

4. You have the power to feel better

Many children can not learn ways to manage with strong emotions.This kind of can cause anxiety, depression and role-playing. Help your kids to find ways to be able to soothe themselves in high-stress times. A little sleep, play games, take a shower, listen to music, keeping a diary, praying to God, painting picture, go for a walk as well as to speak with a close friend are good ideas. Children have the ability to self-soothe feel safe, and that leads to more flexible and also adapt to circumstances.

5. Always trust yourself

One of the primary tools are sense and intuitions that folk can use them protect themselves. The learning of pay attention and trust to our direction, it is important to shape relationships. When your child have your own the values of his beliefs this increases their self-assurance.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Reading But What?

Valuable Readers,

Reading is a very important activity in humans life. The quality of the reading depends on who and what to read. If you are reading to learn a profession, your reading is up to the value of that profession. If perhaps you are reading to playing a game, your reading is up to value of that game. Of course these are also important things. But, if you have a limited life, you have to focus the most essential topics. If I dedicate my life to read only the World, this means that I trapped the World. However, the human is not only limited to this world. He has the eternal life after this world. For that reason, he should do most important readings with this endless life.

We live up to at most 100 years in this world. But, in the afterlife, we will live forever. So, we should need to make a preparation according to that life. Along with preparing of list comes knowledge of God. If the people reads to know of God, He would have made the most treasured things in his life. Because, while the World as well as its contents are together with him at most 100 years, God will be with him forever. Consequently, we should read the name of God while we are reading a book or reading the Universe. So, we have learned to know him better using learned information, to love more, to live as he wants and we will be also eternally happy in the afterlife.
