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Amacım, hayata farklı açılardan bakarak hayati şeyleri yakalayabilmek ve hayatımızdaki 5 maddelere dikkat çekmek

Thursday, October 13, 2016

The Commitment For Success In The Life

Most of us want to be successful in the life. Success is the meaning of career, getting a lot of money and also to be champion of a race for some people. However, there is unchanging rule for the acquisition of all this success. That is certainly "the sense of dedication"

We may start with a number of negative things in the life. We may be the child of the poor family, we may stay in the suburbs or we may be disabled person. "Come hell or high water", if you have sense of dedication you can accomplish everything.

Edison Devoted ....

Edison devoted his life to find burning up bulb, so finally, he could be found the light bulb. You may have heard of numerous others who are successful in catching one of Africa's territory or grow in a poor family.There are some disabled people who success some works that can not be done by normal people.

I watched on TV the other day. A blind man was repairing harvester and there was no person doing the job much better than him. In devotion, human brain focuses question of "How can I success?" not the question of "What should I do?" So, the destiny starts to move for person and finally the doors of success open up for that person.

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