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Amacım, hayata farklı açılardan bakarak hayati şeyleri yakalayabilmek ve hayatımızdaki 5 maddelere dikkat çekmek

Friday, October 14, 2016

Barriers May Be Opportunities

In historic times, a king put an enormous rock on the road which is leading to the palace and then he has taken a sit on the window. He was hanging around eagerly what things to see.

In the country, from morning hours until noon, the richest merchants, the most effective caravan holders and palace officers arrived one by one. They wandered around the rock and entered the palace. Many of them criticized the King loudly. The King was taxing very much from his community but he could not clean the roads.

These golds belong to....

At the end, a peasant came up. He was bringing fruits and vegetables for the palace.He left the basket on the ground. He wrapped up the rock wit both hands and he started out to push with all his power. At the end, he sweated blood but, he pulled the rock to the side of the road. He will take his basket from the ground yet, he saw a pouch in the former place of the rock. He opened the pouch and saw golds. And there was also a note from the King. King said that "These golds belong to someone who pulled rock from the road"

The peasant had given a good lesson. That is "Every obstacle is an opportunity to improve our living conditions" 

Thursday, October 13, 2016

The Commitment For Success In The Life

Most of us want to be successful in the life. Success is the meaning of career, getting a lot of money and also to be champion of a race for some people. However, there is unchanging rule for the acquisition of all this success. That is certainly "the sense of dedication"

We may start with a number of negative things in the life. We may be the child of the poor family, we may stay in the suburbs or we may be disabled person. "Come hell or high water", if you have sense of dedication you can accomplish everything.

Edison Devoted ....

Edison devoted his life to find burning up bulb, so finally, he could be found the light bulb. You may have heard of numerous others who are successful in catching one of Africa's territory or grow in a poor family.There are some disabled people who success some works that can not be done by normal people.

I watched on TV the other day. A blind man was repairing harvester and there was no person doing the job much better than him. In devotion, human brain focuses question of "How can I success?" not the question of "What should I do?" So, the destiny starts to move for person and finally the doors of success open up for that person.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

5 Things You Should Need To Teach Your Children

Dear readers,

Today, I wish to give you an important topic that is educating our children. May be we are not able to protect our children from all the difficulties and evils of World but we can prepare an effective way against them.

Right here are the 5 top things you should train your children:

1Making mistakes is natural

Everybody makes mistakes, this is a crucial part of learning and growing. Creating an open debate regarding their mistakes prevents stress and guilt. Share with them mistakes that you have made and your learning from these mistakes. 

2. Do not judge people in your environment

Instead of judging, to develop an open-minded curiosity about one's experience supports the development of empathy and compassion for both yourself and others. Help your children to expand their thinking about others and release the rigid thinking.

3. Your emotions are important

When you think your emotions are fool, wrong or shameful, this is a reason of stress. If your children tries to hide their real feelings, problems get started to accumulate. Become familiar with your kids have the opportunity to share their emotions and it is very important to confirm them. This kind of experience will increase their feelings of self-worth.

4. You have the power to feel better

Many children can not learn ways to manage with strong emotions.This kind of can cause anxiety, depression and role-playing. Help your kids to find ways to be able to soothe themselves in high-stress times. A little sleep, play games, take a shower, listen to music, keeping a diary, praying to God, painting picture, go for a walk as well as to speak with a close friend are good ideas. Children have the ability to self-soothe feel safe, and that leads to more flexible and also adapt to circumstances.

5. Always trust yourself

One of the primary tools are sense and intuitions that folk can use them protect themselves. The learning of pay attention and trust to our direction, it is important to shape relationships. When your child have your own the values of his beliefs this increases their self-assurance.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Reading But What?

Valuable Readers,

Reading is a very important activity in humans life. The quality of the reading depends on who and what to read. If you are reading to learn a profession, your reading is up to the value of that profession. If perhaps you are reading to playing a game, your reading is up to value of that game. Of course these are also important things. But, if you have a limited life, you have to focus the most essential topics. If I dedicate my life to read only the World, this means that I trapped the World. However, the human is not only limited to this world. He has the eternal life after this world. For that reason, he should do most important readings with this endless life.

We live up to at most 100 years in this world. But, in the afterlife, we will live forever. So, we should need to make a preparation according to that life. Along with preparing of list comes knowledge of God. If the people reads to know of God, He would have made the most treasured things in his life. Because, while the World as well as its contents are together with him at most 100 years, God will be with him forever. Consequently, we should read the name of God while we are reading a book or reading the Universe. So, we have learned to know him better using learned information, to love more, to live as he wants and we will be also eternally happy in the afterlife.

Friday, September 30, 2016

I am Lucky

I wish to share good statements with you today. Lets look them;

  • If I am working in my house for hours after a party, this means that I have many friends.
  • If I can pay my bills, it means that I have a job.
  • If My pants is a little tight it implies that I am not hungry.
  • If My shadow is tracking me it means that I can see the light of Sun.
  • If I need to walk a long distance for going to my school or job, it indicates that I have healthy feet. 
  • If I need to clean the windows and repair the roof, it means that I have a house.
  • If I fight with my brother every day it means that I have a brother.
  • If I have many laundry to be washed and ironed it implies that I have many clothes.
  • If My alarm clock is chiming in early morning, it means that I am living.
  • If I get low mark from courses it indicates that I have a school.
  • If My mother reprimands and my father is angry to me it means that I have a family.
  • And finally, If I can look all these happenings like this way it means that I am an optimist.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Bring The Sweetest Apple

Dear my readers,

I wish to share with you a short story. If we understand well this story we can live better with other peoples and also ourselves.

The teacher gives two baskets for his two students and sends them to garden for gathering apples. He stated that, Who bring the sweetest apple he graduates from school.

The students turned back after one hour. One of the students put his basket with confident frame of mind. Because, his apples seem to be very brilliant, attractive and smooth. 

Then, the other student put his basket. He gathered apples that are crooked, bad looking and crushed. The teacher says that All the best and good riddance to that student. Other pupil is surprised. He looks his basket and other basket. He can not give any meaning for all these. The teacher cuts two apples from each basket. He says that "taste" to that student. I said that the sweetest apple no the most beautiful layer one.

Really, smell and taste fruits which can be hailed that bought from the bazaar are as sweetie.

We are growing with wounded and we sweeten by wounded. So, all we are good with our wounds.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Meaningful Words for Better Life

I want to share meaningful words today with you for living better life. If you read well these statements and apply to your life, you will gain immaterial treasury for the Hereafter. Lets start;

  • Believers should be patience for troubles.
  • They (believers) don't blame God for these troubles.
  • The God stands with patience people.
  • Just talk to with your hearts not only with your tongues.
  • While you are looking for givings of people do not forget God's blessings.
  • When you served you will be served.
  • For worldly goods do not vitiate the Hereafter.
  • Query yourself before you died.
  • A believer do not ask questions such as How and Why in face of destiny.
  • Wake up before death.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Today, Give a Gift to Yourself

We all love gifts. But, every time we don't have any money for buying them. But, I will explain you a way to get free gift for yourself.

Life is the Biggest Lift

Yes, Life is the biggest gift for all of us. When you are starting a new day, think your life. Currently, there are so many people that are not alive. They can not do any thing because of they are not alive. But you have a life and you can do many things with that life which you love.

When you go bankrupt, think such that, Okay, I go bankrupt but I am not poorest people in the World. There are so many people poorer than me.

When you lost your one hand, think about that, there are so many people who don't have any hands.

When you lost one of your relatives, think about that, there are so many people who don't have any relatives.

Even if you have no relatives, lets imagine you can meet them in the next world.

Shortly, No matter how bad you are there are so many people worse than you in the life.

You have not Worst Situation in the World 

So, when you lost something in the life imagine that you don't have the worst situation people in the World.

Life is good in spite of everything.

Friday, September 16, 2016

A Story of The Olive Oil And The Water

Dear Readers,

Today, I want to share a story about The Olive Oil and The Water.

Hey! Why you are standing top of me?

As you know, when olive oil and water put into a glass, olive oil rises to the top. One day, the water disturbed from this situation. 

-It said that, All beings in the world comes to life with me. While I am so worthwhile how you can stand on me? 

-The olive oil answered this question; 

-People gather me with a lot of trouble. For extracting oil, I crushed between the millstones for long times. Well, What did you do? said by Olive oil. 

-Water was silent in the face of this response.

The Pains Mature Us

The life is similar to this situation. We want to always in the tops. But, without any suffering, we have no any right for upper positions.

Besides this, Pains and distresses mature us. Instead of complaining of them, we should take necessary lessons from these situations. 

I am not Making any Mathematics Game

The life is very short for complaining from distresses. I mentioned before, if we assume that the average life is 80 years;

15 years passes in the childhood, at least 20 years passes in the working, at least 20 years passes in the sleeping, after 70 years of age, you will struggle with sicknesses and cachexia. After all these things, you have 10 or maximum 15 years for pleasure of life. I am not making any mathematics game. These are reality of life.

The real life begins after this World. How much you are taught yourself in this World, a better life will wait you.

So, we should look pains and distresses as instructive of us for conveying to better life. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

If There is a Book, There Should be an Author

Dear Readers, Today, I want to handle a most discussed topic. That is A Book and its Author.

Are You An Author?

We all know that if there is a book there should be an author of that book. Because, that book can not be occurred itself. Those thoughts, words and sentences can not be leagued together themselves. So, There must be an author with his thoughts, sentences and words.

Well, Author of the World?

Similarly, when we look at the Universe especially The World, we see a big book. Each tree, flower, animal, mountain, river and other numberless assets are as paragraphs, sentences, words and letters. Their meaning of all together is presence of the Author. For example, lets look at a tree;

At tree, leaves can see as letters, brunches can see as words, fruits can see as sentences and at the end the whole tree can see as a paragraph. The tree says to us; I grew up in muddy water but I gave you a delicious, colorful and mouth-pleasing fruit. I can not make this fruit myself. Because, I have no any knowledge, wisdom and power for making this fruit. 

To be a fruit; The Sun, The Soil, The Water,The Air and also wisdom need to come together. I have no power to bring them together. The God can only bring together all these things with his unlimited power and wisdom. You can think like this for all other assets. All of them explain you same thing; That is presence of the God. Because, none of them has no mind, knowledge and power for having those beauties and benefits.

Hence, When a people looks around, the God should come to his mind.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

You Can not be as Sparrow in the Life

This title may come a little strange for you. You are right. I want to explain What I mean;

The Taste of Age and Human

In our times, there are somethings that people are constantly injected. It is said like that "Enjoy life", "Pursuit to tastes", "you are a human as you consumed" words.Glittering life that we watch in movies and TV series also supports to them. The understanding of our time is that when you eat delicious food, make luxury spending and sit in ostentatious places you are so civilized people and you get so superior.

However, People should know that, he can not access to a Sparrow in taking flavor from life. The sparrow has no yesterday and tomorrow. Therefore, it is not sad with yesterday's sorrow nor it lives with fear of tomorrow. In this way, it takes flavor of meal exactly which is its front.

But, A human is not like this. In front of him is even delicious meals yesterday's unfortunate events attached to his mind. He worries about whether he can find these delicious meals tomorrow or not. He thinks like that "How can I protect my wealth" His competitors come into his mind in trade. While a morsel in his mouth, he gets a news of a death or sickness from his relatives. That delicious morsel seem like a poison in his throat. He enters into a serious struggle with life for keeping of standard of his life. Passed years and he looked back, lifetime has been consumed. The only one remaining is "wasted life".

You must be A Turtledove of The Hereafter

In fact, Human being was created for swimming in ocean of Hereafter not drowning in drop of The World. The human has been given a lot of capabilities more than animals. All these things can not be given that he only eats and drinks and lays down on his ears. These things are being already done by other assets.

Though, A Human rises when serve to God, he will be a good person as have moral values. And The God complies with him.

Happy is the person who is flying the skies of Hereafter.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

The Biggest Title is the Servitude

I am an Engineer, How about you?

If you feel that this name is normal intro of a occupation you are incorrect. We gain some titles in the life span with our knowledge and expertise. We put a lot of effort to keep these titles for living well. But, there is another title that we need to keep. What's that? The servitude.

The Biggest Title is the Servitude

Our professional titles are useful only for 70-80 numerous years of live. They are not valid for the Other World. But, our servitude is valid forever. I had tried to mention before meaning of forever. Billion billion years are incredible small numbers beside the forever. Think a calendar. You are breaking off pages of calendar however you do not never come to last page of the calendar. 

For Gaining Heaven, A Good Servitude

As a result, a human should try to gain the servitude with all his power. We spend a lot of money and time for gaining and keeping our titles. But, for gaining servitude there is no need to money. To become a good servitude, having of such as worshiping, generosity, loyalty, fidelity, humbling is enough.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Hearts and The God

Hearts can be Satisfied only When God be Mentioned

Nowadays, most of the people are chasing the World. When they eat some delicious meals, dress new clothes, play games and go to travel new places they think that they will be happy. But, the reality is so different. Lets explain the reason of this;

Whether to Feed the Stomach or the Heart?

Our stomach is size of a few palm. What we eat at how much we can not eat anymore.If we try to eat more we vomit. Even when we eat most delicious foods after a while we get bored. The same thing is valid for playing the most fun games and dressing beautiful clothes. So, we get bored after a while what we do for the World. 

However, we must also feed our hearts as feeding our stomachs.For our hearts, the most beneficial food is to remembrance of God. Hearts can find only peace and happiness with remembering of God. Hearts can not happy with other things such as eating, dressing, travelling, playing and so on.

The Biggest Investment, Where?

Therefore, we should make biggest investment on our hearts, not our stomachs or bodies. Because, our bodies rot but our hearts will remain permanent. So, we should go to Armageddon with good heart.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Life And Ship

Today, I want to share a short story with you regarding the ship of life. When we understood this story well I think that we will live more careful and sensitive.

A Story regarding an Island and Passengers

One day, a big ship approached an island with passengers. The Captain says that " Get off everybody and meet their emergency needs. When the bell rang the ship will go immediately". Everybody gets off. First group of people meet their emergency needs and turned to ship at once. Therefore, they sat best places of the ship. 

Second group of people enjoys a little bit of the island. They heard to siren hardly and immediately they went to ship and boarded. But, their places were worse than the previous ones. 

The last part of people is so busy with beauties of island so they did not hear any siren and they become prey to wild animals in the island.

Which group of are you?

Now, lets make an analyse this story. First group of people is that they understood well why they came to World and met most urgent needs so they will sit best places of the Paradise.

Second group of people is that they enjoyed a little bit of the World. They wasted a little bit their time. But, at the end they were able to found intermediate places in the Paradise. 

The last group of people is that they did not listen to the God. And they were fully engaged with the World. So, they lost the Paradise. What a pity!!!

Well, Which group would you like to be?

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Are You Ready Take a Photo of Your Soul?

We all take our photos of ourselves in daily life. So far, we may took our photo hundreds of times. Well, for this once, did we take photo of our souls? I wonder how we may seem ourselves if we take photo of our souls. Lets analyse this situation shortly;

What about Photo of Our Soul?

We all try to look good in photos. Before taking photo, we fix our apparel. We comb our hair and make up. Because, if we look handsome and beautiful in photos we feel so good. Well, do we care for our souls as for our bodies? The Creator always see our souls. Our handsome and pretty bodies will be with us until door of grave. But, our soul will be with us until eternity. Therefore, we have to care for our souls more than our bodies.

If we took photo of our souls, we may see such photos; egoism, greediness, goods lover, starstruck, conceit, heartlessness, craving and etc. Everyone has these feelings more or less. The important one is that trying to diminish these bad feelings.

The Human with His Soul is a Human Not with His Body

A good soul which has all good feelings is so valuable as Worlds. The other soul which has bad feelings is worthless. If we collect and sell minerals of our body we can not get anything. They are very cheap. But, a merciful, generous, humble soul is very expensive in sight of the God.

Because of this, A Human should try to care his soul as for his body during his life for living happy in Paradise with taking consent of God until eternity. 

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Life And Gift

At modern times, some people see life as distressed and unlivable, actually life is a gift from the God. Human is very valuable creature who was donated with eternity. For understanding this expression easily, we can think deeply like that;

The World is a Starting Point to Eternal Life

The World may have some difficulties and stresses for human. These may seem like indecipherable to humans. But, none of them is not big for having stressful of life. Because, our life is just a drop when compared with the Other World. Lets think about our life; we live maximum 70 or 80 years. The Other World is not billion or trillion of years contrarily these numbers have not even any importance beside eternity. 

Lets give an example for understanding eternity. Think a bird and lets fill that vast universe with wheat. Let do bird eat only one wheat in a billion years. At the end of the billion and billion and ...... years, the all wheat end but not missing anything from eternity. Eternity is such a enormous big according to the World. This World is like a drop and the Other World is like an Ocean (When compared their life duration). Someday this drop will emerge to ocean.Then, while there is an ocean in front of us no need to sorry for only a drop. 

This World is a drop the Other World is an Ocean

When I have a difficulty in the life I think like that, ultimately this difficulty is happening in the World which consists of a drop, then do not be worry because in the future an ocean is waiting for you.

If we can regulate our lives according to this understanding,even though our problems are too big and complex, none of them will be important for us.

Wishing you a happy and peaceful life...

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Life and Patience

Lets give good tidings for Patients

As you recall, I have mentioned about Olympic games in a my letter in before. At that letter, I have explained that may be the players have some difficulties in the Stadium but at the end of the this difficulty they can earn medallion. At this letter, I think that I have to explain this widely because of importance of topic.

Everything matured with patience

Lets think about trees; They are growing from small seeds to giant sizes in decades. You must wait for months for ripening of fruits. Growth and development of a baby takes years. Our world has become this nature in million years. A spider spins and wait with patience in hours and at the end a fly falls into its net.

The World is very short for pursuing

Lets think about our life; 15 years passes in the our babyhood and childhood. One third of our lives passes at asleep. Other one third passes at working. Some of our lives passes at journeys and at sickness. At the remain of your life is barely twenty years for saturation from our life. The World has not been created for this purpose. It has been created for preparation to the Other World. Hence, Here are allowed to taste but it is not allowed for saturation.

If a human can look to the World in this way, he/she can overcome all calamities with patience easily. He thinks that this calamity has been given to me for my ripening from the God and also he thinks that period of calamities are very short according to the non calamity periods. So, there is no need to complain about calamities. If we have a patience in accordingly, our God will give beauties in Other World. 

Monday, August 15, 2016

Born and Life

Reborn to Life

Everyone is born once in life. Of course, we could not born again to life but if we can do this we can read life like that;

Read Life on behalf of Him

For example, we all love roses with their gorgeous fragrance and colorfulness. But, may be we never think that these smelling and colorfulness are coming from where? From soil, water, sun or rose itself? None of these. Because, none of these things have not any power or mind to generate these beauties. If who knows and sees everything and omnipotent, it may have given these beauties. That is God.

As second example, when rainy is rained we should think like that, How rainy knows where it rains? It rains on time and according to our needs. Mindless and senseless clouds, how to know it? Of course, the God knows all these things.

As third example, when you are sick, you should think that you are very powerless. Of course, you should go to the doctor but also you should beg to God for healing. Because, healing is with God.

As last example, when you remain without property, you should think that he is the owner of everything. Due to the wisdom, he takes back his property from you at anytime. At this situation when you have patience and have not complain you pass the life exam and you hope more beautiful life in Paradise forever.

An idyllic life in your hands

When the human read life on behalf of Him, life turns to Heaven. People thinks that there is a wisdom of each event. Thus, he/she always happy and peaceful.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

The Life Is a Biggest Mirror

As you know, when you look at the mirror you see yourself. Like this, Mirrors show everything themselves which are reflected. 

Well, Life is a mirror to whom?

If we think a little, we can see that life is a mirror to God. Well, How? We can explain this proposition with an example; Lets think a car factory. We look outside from this factory. The materials come to this factory they turn out to be as cars. Everything are in place. There is no fault. We understand from this situation that there is a manager who manage this factory.

When we look the universe we see big harmony between stars and planets. Despite the their terrific speed, They continue on their way without hitting each other. The situation is no different in the World. The rain continues to fall, chicken continue to give eggs as well as the cows give us milk. You can increase these examples. There must be an owner of all these things as manager of the factory. That is God.

Every creature is the mirror for God

For instance, when you sick and heal you are mirror of God's Healing name. Because, The doctor is not heal you actually that is God. The doctor is only an occasion. When you eat meal you are mirror of the God's Razzak name (All Provider). At same time, The God keep you alive during your life. So, the Life is a mirror for many names of God at like this. There is a word like that, Who person cut trees actually it cuts head. Because, as mirror of God's names, cutting tree is a kind of awful murdering.

If something does at how transom for God it is so valuable

Especially for a person, if we equipped how much name of God, for example, if we will be Mercy, generous, forgiver, gentle, patient as God we will be so valuable for God. In my opinion, the aim of life should be this. This is also a kind of guarantee as happy forever in the Heaven. 

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Human Life Is Similar To The Seasons

Yes, the human life is similar to the seasons. The spring, summer, autumn and winter. Well,how?

The Spring

The babyhood and childhood of the human life is similar to the spring. Everything is new and fresh in the spring. The plants are trees become to green. The nature is more cheerful in the spring as in the babyhood and childhood. The heat of the Sun does not bother people, everything is proper for human in the spring. If you ask a question to people such that Which period do you want to go most in your life? Perhaps, most of them, they will answer as "childhood". Because, at the childhood, everything is pure, nature and vivacious as spring.

The Summer

The youth of the human life is similar to the summer. The Sun is most powerful in this season. Its' heat and light is more than other seasons just as youth. At youth, the human body is peak of the power. But, When you take Sun's heat as redundant you get sunstroke this is also correct for young people. If it does not control the power of the young people they may harm to society.

The Autumn

The midlife of the human life is similar to the autumn. At the autumn, trees began to lose their leaves and turned to yellow as well as after age of 50's. After age of 50, the human body is not powerful as young body. The body is not as agile as before. Ideals are almost completed after 50's ages. At the autumn, how plants are animals make preparation for winter as precisely, midlife as a preparation for old age of human life.

And The Winter

The old age of the human life is similar to the winter. At the winter, Trees do not have their leaves no longer and everywhere was covered with deep silence. Everywhere is very cold and white color. As similar to the winter, at old ages, the human body is very weak against sickness. The waist was belted. The eyes were not well as before as well as ears. Nothing is like as before.

So Then?

At first glance, autumn and winter seasons of the human life seem to be boring. But, if we can think deeply, we can see some beauties at these seasons (for midlife and old ages). For example, at these ages, The human has more experience than other people. So, the other people apply to their expertise. They are notable for people around of them. Mostly, They have grand kids and there is another pleasure of loving grandchildren.

In my opinion, the most important thing is that all seasons of the life should live well and beauty why they are given to us.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Life Is a Kind of Olympic Games

As you know, Rio Olympic Games started. Life is also a kind of Olympic game. How?

At Olympic games, the athletes come from their countries for gaining medal during games. During this time, they stay in Olympic village for 15 days (sometimes they return before that time) and compete with other athletes with special tools and clothes. They are in the far away from their countries and they are in the strange environment. And also, while they are racing with others they are having some difficulties. But, all these things are for one thing. That is winning a medal and represent their countries successfully. After games, all athletes return their mother countries and stayed there until end of the their lives.

So, What is the relationship between our life and Olympic Games? The World is a kind of Olympic Village which is staying people for determined time. We are racing with ourselves not other athletes in here. After this life, we are all together will return our mother world and we live forever in there as happy or sad. If we raced successfully, we will be happy in other world otherwise we will be unhappy.

The choice is yours. Happiness or unhappiness?

Friday, August 5, 2016

Lİfe Is a Journey

May be you recall "life is a journey and not a destination" sentence had been said by the pastor Lynn H. Hough in the past.The good ending of this journey
depends on you. Our approach to the events determines the quality of our lives.

No events occurred is not a meaningless in the life. Each one has a special
meaning.The important thing is that trying to read their meanings. If the reading 
is done correctly the people is not anxious and unhappy.

For example, you may be sick. At first glance, this situation seems to us very bad. 
But, if you think that this sickness actually reminds you your weakness and helpless
so you can feel closer to God himself. How? Because, you can find his eternal power
and mercy in your own weakness and helpless.

In fact, events are kind of letters from God to us. Lucky people who read these 
letters very well they can always happy in their lives.

Happy blogging!

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Life Colours

Life colours are a kind of life reading. Sometimes, we meet black colour, sometimes white colour but most of the time we meet mixed of them at the life.

If we can not read life colours well, for example if we always read life as a black colour, we may feel sad ourselves in every time. The opposite of this sentence is also true. If we always read life as a white colour, we may feel disappointments in every situation easily.

So, what should we do? Neither black or white, just read the life as it should be. That is it. Here, we will read and comment life together.

What would you like to join me?
